Quick Basic Blackbox creation

The generic IC (which is unfortunately broken in Fritzing 0.9.7, so I’d stick to 0.9.6 for now.) Drag the generic IC in to the sketch and in Inspector (the lower right window) you can set the number of pins (this part is broken in 0.9.7!) Then you can edit the labels on the pins (which has some positioning issues sometimes.) First drag the generic IC in to the sketch:

then change the number of pins from 8 (the default) to 10. Then edit the pin labels.

it looked not bad at a quick glance (I hadn’t seen it before.) These two apply to the latest Fritzing version, many of the rest are for older versions.

You may also be interested in this schematic Incscape plugin if you use Inkscape.

If you have questions or problems feel free to post (preferably with a copy of the part or sketch that is having problems uploaded.)


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