Mini-360 DC-DC Buck converter

Mini-360 DC-DC Buck converter available for ebay and other such sources. A tiny ((17mm by 11mm) buck converted module that will do around 2Amps with an adjustable output. All three views present, but pcb not yet verified (I haven’t yet got my set of these :slight_smile: ).

Mini-360 DC-DC Buck converter.fzpz (15.0 KB)



Thank you for contributing great work.


Unfortunately most of these parts are not 17x11 but 22x11mm.
Do you think you can update your part ?

Many thanks.

It is reasonably trivial to make a modified part. The existing one matches ones I bought from ebay, and in fact all the ones I looked at after typing a search for “mini 360 dc-dc” on ebay in fact show as being 17x11. If you have a pointer to the one you want I can change it easily enough. I assume you want the wider spacing on the silkscreen on pcb view (as I can’t see it mattering particularly anywhere else)?


Hi Peter,

Thx for the fast answer !

I’ve bought on on a few website the 22x17 version, here on Amazon for example :

Most websites are also selling the 22x17mm version.

I have a few pieces here, so what kind of information do you need ?


Even easier, once I saw it. This appears to be a sbx dsun module which I did a part for someone a while ago:

sbx dsun.fzpz in that thread should do you.


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i need voice recognition module please

Hi there, I’m new here. I would like to ask is there any difference between mini-360 and mini-560 buck converter? If there is can someone help me as I’m searching for mini-560 buck converter in Fritzing. Thanks in advanced.

The size is a bit different (which will be important if you want to mount it on a pcb), the 560 is 30mm by 18mm and the 360 is 17.5mm by 11mmand the 560 appears to be 5A out against 2.5 of 3A for the mini 360, and has two input and output pads against 1 each for the 360. Electrically they will be identical, so it depends if you need pcb to be accurate or not if the present 360 will do for a 560. It is reasonably easy to make a new part if you need pcb to be accurate.
