Unfortunately Eagle2Fritzing probably isn’t the place to start. To build it you need the development environment (QT and the Fritzing app source tree) which is not a trivial install. Even to use it once built you need to be quite familiar with parts creation because the Eagle2Fritzing output needs a lot of editing (for instance all the connections of all the ICs will appear as connectors and need to be removed.) These two tutorials in the guides and tutorial suggestions are probably a better place to start:
They both apply to 0.9.4, most of the rest are for earlier versions, and are some times out of date. The part build process is fairly complex (and poorly documented!) with a lot of not necessarily obvious dependencies in the xml that will cause problems. The parts editor tries to make that simpler, but it was not finished when development stopped in 2016, and has enough limitations that I don’t use it, rather edit the underlying files directly. It is probably easiest to manually create a part by cloning something similar (which is what the tutorials cover) rather than jump in to Eagle2Fritzing even though Eagle2Frtizing can be easier once you know what you are doing especially for creating accurate breadboard and pcb svgs (since it comes from the data that made the real board!) I usually toss out schematic and make one from scratch from the template file in my tutorial as the generated ones are incorrect (as they are in the Fritzing source which needs fixing when we get time.)