ESP8266, AHT2x and BME280 missing

The node mcu is available here (not exactly the same but the pins appear identical) as NodeMCU V1.0-1.fzpz. If you are intending to make pcbs you need to check that the pcb footprint matches the board you have (it may not!)

Doesn’t appear to exist so a new part

AHT2x.fzpz (6.3 KB)

Is available here (a google search of the form “fritzing part BME280” will find it)

One or two parts isn’t worth learning to make parts for, but you are getting up to the level where you need to learn to make your own parts. These two tutorials (in the forums in the tutorials section) apply to the current versions of Fritzing.

I lately learned there aren’t links to the videos in Old_Grey’s tutorial so you need to do a google search for the title and then they come up on YouTube. As noted you probably need to learn even though it isn’t easy…
