OCRA font not accepted

I am using Libre Office Draw in Linux Mint/Cinnamon, I have downloaded the fonts from…


…and installed them. I can select them and use them in Libre Office Draw. I save the drawn object as a .svg file in the folder …/Fritzing/parts/svg/user/schematic; however when I use the object to create a part in the Fritzing part editor via “File, Load Image for view” Fritzing tells me “Fritzing currently only supports OCRA and Droid fonts–these have been substituted in for the fonts in…”

The fonts I used were from the Fritzing website! Can anyone tell me what’s going on and what I need to do to fix it?

Probably it is that libre office draw saves the font reference 2 different ways (Inkscape does this too). Fritzing sees both, but only recognizes one. Again, probably, it will work despite the warning message. A more likely thing to cause problems, is font elements that include dimensions in “px” units. That causes Fritzing to displayed the text at the wrong size.

The FritzingCheckApp application can help with that. Running the svg file that was saved from Draw through the tool will cleanup a lot of the problems.

NOTE: you do not need to save the svg into the schematic folder. That is where it will get put when Fritzing loads a user part file, but the images can be loaded from anywhere to create the part. In fact the image should NOT be from there. It will either conflict, or get overridden when a part that uses (contains) that image is opened. If the file names match. They probably won’t match. Parts editor should (I think) try to make the name unique.

Best bet is to upload the svg file here (upload is 7th icon from the left in the reply menu) that will allow us to tell you exactly what is wrong. I think FritzingCheckPart will only tell you the font is wrong I don’t think it will correct it.


Hi MicroMerlin/vaneapp, thank you for the quick reply. Find attached a copy of the problematic .svg document. I appreciate your help with this.



…and this one.

There are dual font family definitions in this one:

This is the svg displayed in Inkscape (you may want to consider changing to Inkscape, it is somewhat more Fritizing friendly.) Fritizing is likely complaining about the , monospace in the font family but I expect it will still work correctly using the OCRA font (although I don’t know for sure!) As well you have no connectors defined and lack a groupId. It is desirable the svg looks like this

These tutorials (which apply to the current version of Fritzing) may also be helpful.


Hi Peter,

I installed Inkscape and made a quick test part with OCRA text. Fritzing accepted it with no issues. I’ll just switch to Inkscape. Thanks for the quick help. Also, thanks for the links to the tutorials. I’ll go through those.



One last point, for doing schematic this Inkscape extension is invaluable as it creates a schematic at the correct scale with fonts, font-sizes and colors that meet the graphic standard. It is what I use pretty much exclusively to make parts these days.


Hi Peter,

That will be very useful. Again, thank you.

