Issue in Fritzing Parts of PICO 2 RP2350

The likely answer is you can’t unless you have a lot of experience making and modifying parts. That said these two parts should do what you want (and as usual if the RPI folks want to use them feel free …)

This is the through hole version. Use it if you want to use headers.

rpi_pico2-tht.fzpz (29.0 KB)

This is the smd version, use if if you want to solder the module to the board (or both sides of a double sided board.)

rpi_pico2-smd.fzpz (28.3 KB)

and if you want to learn to make Fritizing parts these tutorials will tell you how

I lately learned there aren’t links to the videos in Old_Grey’s tutorial so you need to do a google search for the title and then they come up on YouTube.
