Fritzing crashes when try to simulate

Hi everybody. I am very keen of working with “fritzing” and I cannot wait to start with it but, this morning, with a very simple circuit only for testing (resistor+led+arduino UNO as power 5v) when I pushed the “Simulate” button, I have got an error. (In Spanhis):

Fritzing capturó una excepción de simulationButton en el evento 3: bad_function_call

After that, I click on the window error button and Frintzing close.
As I said, I would like to download it and start working but, I cannot do it that, in advance, I know it does not work.

I have it installed in Linux Mint 22 totally updated (Fritzing 1.0.1) working into VMWare WorkStation 17.6.2 for Windows (Windows 11 updated). I have got glibc installed. I have checked it with “lld --version” utility. My versión is GLIBC 2.39-0ubuntu8.3

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-03 090509

By the way, I would like to have it installed both on Windows 11 and Linux. When this issue is fixed, may I download the tool for both OS in one payment? Thanks.

Please, try one of the examples of the Fritzing simulator: File->Open Example->Simulator
This error indicates a problem in the package (not finding the ngspice library) and you should report it to the package maintainers. Note that it works well in the official binary. This error has been also reported in other unofficial Linux packages, but it is not a Fritzing bug (well, except that Fritzing should not crash), see: First time use with problem - #15 by vanepp

However, please, note that the simulator only works for DC analysis and transitory analysis (in beta). For more info on the simulator capabilities, check:
And check this thread to see the transitory analysis:

Hey, I’ve used Fritzing a bit myself, and while it’s a great tool for simple circuit designs, it can be pretty finicky, especially in virtualized environments like VMWare. The simulation feature isn’t the most reliable—I’ve seen it throw random errors even on native installs. If you can, I’d suggest running it directly on your host OS instead of through Linux in a VM; it might save you some headaches. As for your other question, yes, once you’ve bought Fritzing, you can use it on both Windows and Linux without paying again—it’s a one-time purchase tied to your account, not the OS.

Thanks for the feedback. I fix the bugs of the simulator when they are reported. So, if you know of any, specially if they can be reproduced, I will take a look at it.

Yesterday, I committed a fix to avoid the reported crash and in next version (1.0.5) will show a better error (and no crash) if Fritzing cannot load the ngspice library. But the simulator will still not work if it is not packed correctly in the binary as it is the problem in the Mint package.

Thanks Fai for the answer. As soon as I could, I’ll try it.

Thank you for the answer. Always is good to hear one is not the only one.