Using 555 timer chip doesn't work

Steps I took that resulted in the problem:

Created a simple timer circuit with a 555 timer chip. Started the simulation, LED does not flash, just stays steady on. In the console, i get an error over and over again:

SendCharFunc (libId:0): stderr Error: vector time not found!

What I expected should have happened instead:

LED light should flash on and off and no error should occur in the console

My version of Fritzing and my operating system:

version 1.0.4 of Fritzing on Ubuntu 24.10

Please also attach any files that help explaining this problem

Did you use the transitory simulation? I think you may be using the DC operating point analysis. The transitory simulation is still in beta and disabled by default, but it is functional and you can activate it you run Fritzing in debug mode. To do that, open a terminal and launch Fritzing with the -d option: Fritzing -d

Could you also upload your file to try to replicate the error?

555 timer test.fzz (7.1 KB)

I tried the -d option, did not help

I tried it in windows with the official build and it works as expected (i just added an oscilloscope to be able to see the output signal over time):

After launching Fritzing in debug mode, you must switch to the transitory simulation. There are two ways: (1) add an oscilloscope or (2) change to the transitory simulation using the arrow on the simulation button and choosing the transitory simulation. Note that the time of the simulation is defined as 10 seconds by default if there is no oscilloscope, and to the horizontal time division of the oscilloscope *10 if there is an oscilloscope.

I strongly recommend to use an osciloscope as will allow you to see the signal and set the maximum time of the simulation. Notice that the simulation timestep is defined by default by taking the maximum simulation time divided by the number of points (or steps). You may need to adjust this in edit->properties->beta features->project properties. In a 555 circuit, you could increase the number of points or use a fixed time step. (This is a beta feature and the program may crash if there are a lot of simulation steps).

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This is a huge help. Thank you!