Can´t find chip ESP32-WROOM and ESP32-WROVER

i´m looking for a new popular microcontroller from Espressif that i have made som really fancy stuff with. I can´t fint this in the libary.

Anyone that can support making the chip ESP32-WROOM and ESP32-WROVER ?

product information of ESP Modules


A google search for “fritzing part esp32-wroom” turns up several hits and a forum search for “esp” turns up several. For the Wroom likely this one (although I didn’t check the number of pins or layout):

The WROVER appears to come in a variety of sizes, so you would need to specify which exact one you want since we would need to modify the part above to match very likely (if the form factor is different.)


hello ,vanepp
please , I want the parts in the pcb because i did not find it in the parts , which is (ESP32­WROVER­-IE )

  • I have project that i need quickly

Screenshot 2022-06-13 232813

Screenshot 2022-06-13 233137

This should do what you want. Note the thermal vias are not in pcb as Fritzing can’t produce holes in an SMD part (no copper0) so you will need to drag vias in to the sketch to add them:


the red circles are vias (presumably to a copper pad on the other side of the board although that isn’t said, only implied) and would need to be added to the sketch like this:

Note that DRC complains about overlap on the vias which in this case can be ignored.

ESP32-WROVER-IE.fzpz (10.3 KB)


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