Hello, I am documenting a large, self-guided project I’ve been working on for the last 6 month for work. The project utilizes Arduino and a variety of off-the-shelf sensors, so I’ve been using Fritzing to shed light on sensor implementation. One piece of feedback I got from a supervising engineer is that few people in my field use Arduino, so it may be useful for me to create implementation graphics with a different data acquisition platform, such as the industry standard Campbell Scientific CR-1000. I began trying to make the Fritzing part, but I’m honestly a bit lost. So far, I’ve created an SVG for the CR-1000, but I need to somehow mark the connection inside of Fritzing. Could someone assist me with translating this SVG into a Fritzing part?
The long answer is some tutorials on parts creation, links at the end. If you can provide datasheet references, someone here might create the part for you. I am being lazy, and not doing the goggle search the might point to it. A bit of overview.
Fritzing parts contain multiple (up to 4) svg files. One for each view. The breadboard view, which seems to be what you have started, is often reused (no svg need) for the icon view. The connection information is in 2 places. One is in the svg file with “id” values that are referenced in an “.fzp” file. The fzp and svg files are combined into an “fzpz” file (a renamed zip archive) to create the part. Fritzing Parts Editor can create the fzp and fzpz files using imported svg views that have been created outside of fritzing.
Assuming that controller does not have any ‘pin’ connectors for a pcb, that view could be suppressed.
If there are eaglecad drawings for the controller, there is an eagle2frtizing tool to create a Fritzing part. With limitations and cleanup needed.
These two sets of tutorials apply to the current versions of Fritzing (most of the others are for older versions of the software.) Using Eagle2Fritzing is more difficult yet (for starters you need a Fritzing development environment to build Eagle2Fritzing!) If you need a small number of parts, it is easier to convince one of us that know parts making to make them for you. That said we are always willing to help people to make parts as everyone benefits from more people willing and able to make parts.
PS Your original post probably belongs in the “Parts Help” category. Parts submit is for posting the part file once it has been created.
@microMerlin, thanks for all of the tutorials! I was able to get it cobbled together. Attached is the Fritzing part for the Campbell Scientific CR1000 datalogger for those who need it in the future:
Campbell Scientific CR-1000.fzpz (136.7 KB)
Nice job! The only error probably worth fixing is the lack of a layerId in breadboard. To fix that all you need to do is (in Inkscape at least) Edit->select all, then Object->group and change the resulting group id to breadboard. The only thing that I know this affects is image export, without the layerId being breadboard your part won’t export as an svg, pdf, jpg etc. image which may be valuable to you. The fzp file also has terminalIds in breadboard (which aren’t present in the svg) but they will be silently ignored in Fritzing.