share your self-made parts here
We have developed an open-source prototyping platform evive. The FritZing file is attached.
Please add it in next version of FritZing. Explore more at: OR
Agilo Technologies
The MT8870D/MT8870D-1 is a complete DTMF
receiver integrating both the bandsplit filter and digital
decoder functions. The filter section uses switched
capacitor techniques for high and low group filters;
the decoder uses digital counting techniques to detect
and decode all 16 DTMF tone-pairs into a 4-bit code.
⢠Complete DTMF Receiver
⢠Low power consumption
⢠Internal gain setting amplifier
⢠Adjustable guard time
⢠Central office quality
⢠Power-down mode
⢠Inhibit mode
⢠Backward compatible with MT8870C/MT8870C-1
⢠Receiver system for British Telecom (BT) or
CEPT Spec (MT8870D-1)
⢠Paging systems
⢠Repeater systems/mobile radio
⢠Credit card systems
⢠Remote control
⢠Personal computers
⢠Telephone answering machine
MT8870.fzpz (7.2 KB)
Ethernet Module W5100 mini
W5100 mini.fzpz (21.6 KB)
i have modified the standard module in fritzing and create module w5100 mini that is easily find on ebay or bangood.
this is my first partâŚso if you have suggestion please upgrade thatâŚ
i try to make it double face xml., but in this mode i canât get correct message when i import that in fritzing.what is wrong?help please.
i attach svg here:
hi iâm new here and i need some help, i need a relay ky-1 and i donât find it
Parts for
- EBYTE E73-2G4M04 bluetooth module
- MOLEX KK 10 pin PCB connector
I donât have any experience with .svg files, but my friend made me some files representing the Elechouse version of the PN532 for me to use for a school project. I have searched quite some time for this part and found that other people have also searched for this. It is probably far from perfect, so I suggest that someone updates and reposts it, but it does the job for me and I hope that I can make other people happy with it:) Many thanks to Wesley!
PN532 Elechouse RFID NFC Module V3PN532 Elechouse RFID NFC Module V3.fzpz (30.0 KB)
H-Bridge L298N Modified
Breadboard+Icon+PCD+schematic all Working.
(Manoel Silva Filho - august,15,2020)
H-Bridge L298N.fzpz (22.4 KB)
Hello everyone. I need the STOCKO connector model designed in Fritzing so that I can import that model and use on bread board. Check the attached image. I need models of these two connectors on Fritzing.
I need following connectors
1- Stocko Connector 8 pins
2- Jamma Connector 28 x 2 pins
Please let me know if anyone can design these connectors.
I just started fritzing and I needed a surface mount 16F628a chip. There wasnât one in the library so I made one. Do I submit the part here? If so, it is attached.PIC16F628a.fzpz (9.8 KB)
I created a LM75 part that was missing in Fritzing. Attached.Temperature Sensor - LM75.fzpz (8.8 KB)
HT46R47 (A/D Type 8-Bit MCU)
DIP-HT46R47.fzpz (7.2 KB)
My first attempt at modifying the generic IC in Fritzing. I hope it could be useful to someone else.
Welcome aboard! Your part has a few issues. The most serious is that the pcb layout isnât SMD and the part is. Here is an improved version with the following changes:
Convert to an adapter board that converts from SMD to .1in DIP spacing which is typically how SMD parts are represented in breadboard in Fritzing.
replace completely with one made with the Inkscape Fritzing extension which produces a schematic which meets the graphics standard (this is strictly cosmetic, the original would have worked, just doesnât meet the standards.)
replace the footprint with a SMD version (and modify the .fzp file to remove the copper0 layer from pcb to make an SMD part!) This part has a new moduleId and thus will load along side your original part for comparison.
LM2731-improved.fzpz (4.6 KB)
Thanks Peter! I was aware about the SOT23 issues, and thought those were corrected already, but the rest was new
Edit: @vanepp , I am struggling to find a guide on the correct layers (and their purpose, so what should be placed where) for SMD parts, do you happen to have one?
New try for another part: TC1108 3.3V Voltage Regulator by Microchip, Microchip TC1108-3.3VDBTR
TC1108.fzpz (6.7 KB)
The part file format document available here has the layouts
The difference between a through hole and a SMD part is that that SMD part only has the copper1 layer in pcb view where a through hole part has copper0 as a child group of copper1 and the copper appears on both sides of the board. An older format that had separate copper0 and copper1 layers (but for through hole the pads had to appear on both copper layers) is still supported and is sometimes useful for doing odd things. This tutorial series may help as well, as it describes how I make parts by editing the files themselves.
Part creation howto part 1 breadboard and pcb
As well you may want to change to the parts-submit forum category as posts here in About the parts submit category are not show as new posts in the forum (I expect there is something special about this particular topic) so most people wonât see the posts. I only came across it because the tool bar said there were unread posts even when there didnât appear to be any. Clicking on it took me here.
Schematic is incorrect. Connector1 and connector2 are reversed which makes the schematic connection wrong (possibly in the original part you cloned from.)
Here pin 2 is labeled as ground which is correct, but hovering on the pin indicates that it is Vout which isnât correct. That is because the .fzp file has the schematic pins reversed (FrtizingCheckPart warns about this like this:
Warning 13: File
At line 58
Value connector1terminal doesnât match Id connector2. (Typo?)
Warning 13: File
At line 58
Value connector1pin doesnât match Id connector2. (Typo?)
Warning 13: File
At line 86
Value connector2terminal doesnât match Id connector1. (Typo?)
Warning 13: File
At line 86
Value connector2pin doesnât match Id connector1. (Typo?)
which is caused by this in the .fzp file
connector0 is correct
<connector name="Vin" id="connector0" type="male">
<p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector0pin"/>
<p layer="schematic" terminalId="connector0terminal" svgId="connector0pin"/>
<p layer="copper1" svgId="connector0pad"/>
but the pin numbers are backwards in connectors 1 and 2 in the schematic layerId
<connector name="GND" id="connector1" type="male">
<p layer="breadboard" svgId="connector1pin"/>
<p layer="schematic" terminalId="connector2terminal" svgId="connector2pin"/>
<p layer="copper1" svgId="connector1pad"/>
connector2 in the schematic layerId should be connector1 to match its definition and be correct in schematic.
I created a âRBA3 Control Unitâ for a sliding gate.RBA3 Control Unit.fzpz (1.0 MB)
example circuit Smarthome_gate_drive.fzz (1.1 MB)