Hi Im trying to educate my 9 yr son on electronics and bought and donated to the program …i cannot for the life of me find a Simple Simple low voltage bulb in the entire library ???. 12v bulb …not led Bulb. We have a bulb.
Please please, can you link to me to a little low voltage “Bulb” glass bulb style lamp. (you know the ones you use in school and have been around for 75yrs).
I fear after 2 hrs now of searching the internet and trying to find anything we have drawn a blank and really need some help in trying to find one …we are loosing inspiration and hope in the project now …and i don’t want the simplest thing to hold it all up and us both just give in.
Thank you for this link …we did find this …and we rejected it simply because its far too large and couldn’t find out how to re-size it within the software ?
Amazing !!! - Fantastic ! Thats great thanks for that. - we are now under way again and building our circuit. - It is really appreciated Old_Grey ! I know that somewhere in the world there are good folks like you who literally holding up humanity by small acts of kindness .
If you want to learn this stuff I made a tutorial series. I think I explained it at a level that is simple enough.
Basically the hard part is learning the complicated vector drawing program, eg, Inkscape, and then applying Fritzing rules to the drawing. It’s kind-of closer to CAD software than raster drawing, eg, Photoshop. I’m still not brilliant at Inkscape, and have to look up how to do the complicated stuff, but I now use INK to do everything technical.