SIM7600G-H fritzing

I need SIM7600G-H fritzing part
Anybody help me…

This may do what you want.

If not you need to supply a web page or data sheet for the exact part you want.


Good day! I was looking for the same component, but I haven’t found the exact file yet. Here is the datasheet. Thank you!

Are you looking for a breakout board (wisest move) or the chip itself (there doesn’t appear to be a Fritzing part for the module itself although one could be made?)


I think it is best with breakout board… This is what I might use…

SIM7600G-H-PCIE SIMCom Original 4G LTE Cat-4 Module, Global Coverage, With GNSS Support, Mini-PCIe Connector, LTE-TDD, LTE-FDD, HSPA+, GSM, GPRS, EDGE

It would be difficult to make a Fritzing part for this as there is no PCIE interfaces in Fritzing and thus nothing to connect it to.


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Oh… okay ^^ Thank you for responding and effort.

More details on what you are trying to do may get a better answer. I would imagine the PCIE card is installed in a machine of some kind such as a PC (which there aren’t any Fritzing parts for) and thus I don’t see what it is expected to connect to in Fritzing. That may just mean I don’t know how you intend to use this in Fritizng. The modules that there are Fritzing parts for are not PCIE, they have pads on the module that can be connected to other Fritzing part and/or a pcb but I don’t see how that would apply here (which may just be ignorance on my part!)


To be honest, I am not really that knowledgeable yet since I am also trying to explore various components. What I am trying to do is to make a smart pet collar with location tracking and health monitoring system. In line with this, I need to have a GSM module that is capable of data transmission and cellular connectivity incase Wi-Fi is not available. At the same time, it can also give location through GNSS. I am searching for various board that is feasible in my country given that there are various carrier network companies here and their frequency band differs depending on the cellular signal strength. What I need is a 4G capable board with GPS and I stumble upon those boards that might be helpful in my project.

So, to give you an overview of the schematic that I am about to create in Fritzing, it mainly consists of Seeedstudio Xiao ESP32S3, various sensors such as Heart rate sensor, and accelerometer with 2 batteries then a GSM module ^-^ As much as I want to use a LILYGO T-SIM7600E, its existing microprocessor might be too much in my proposed system since there’s ESP32S3 already.

Sorry for taking this too long T^T but yeah that pretty sums up what I am trying to make hehehe

This sim7600 HAT (intended to interface to a Raspberry PI) may be what you want it uses a SIM7600CE rather than a 7600G-?H (and I don’t know what the difference between to two is. I expect it will interface to your ESP32S3 either via the GPIO connector or via the pads on the board as long as it meets your cellular requirements and is smaller than the lilypro. The documents for the hat should tell you what GPIO pins it is using which should be 3.3V like the ESP32S3 as well

sim7600-4G-HAT.fzpz (29.1 KB)

or if you can find another SIM module that does what you need I can make a Fritizng part for it without much problem.


I tried to dig more about sim 7600G-H module and was able to see breakout boards like this… Do you think it is now viable in fritzing?

Yes, pretty much any of them should work in Fritizng if you decide on which one works best for you and provide me with the web site for it I can make you a part for it.


Hello. This is the website that pretty much has information about the board.

Sim7600g Breakout Board, Mini Sim7600g-h Cat4 Kits with 4g Gps antenna

Thank you so much; this means a lot to me ^-^

This part should do what you need.

SIM7600G-H.fzpz (8.7 KB)


Thank you so much. This is very helpful. Thank you for the effort ^-^