Need the LILYGO® T-SIM7600E/G-H ESP32 Module Please

Hi all,

Does anyone have the “LILYGO® T-SIM7600E/G-H ESP32 Module 18560 Battery Holder Solar Charge Development Board” fritzing file? Already looked at the SIM700G in this forum, however, the pins are slightly different and I’m having a hard time getting to grips with Inkscape. I’ll add the pin out below.

Thank you!

This part should do what you want.

edit: Sep 17 2023 a post below indicates that I screwed up and added two pins that shouldn’t be there. If you have downloaded this part before the above data please download the new version!

LILYGO-TTGO-T-SIM7600E_G-H.fzpz (38.4 KB)


Thank you very much Peter!!


I found 2 extra GPIOs in Peter’s Fritzing part: GPIOs 35 and 36.
I’ve corrected this in the following part:
LILYGO-TTGO-TSIM7600E_revised.fzpz (79.2 KB)

This is my first Fritzing part and post on this forum :slight_smile: .
I found this youtube playlist really helpful for beginners like me who just wanna make or edit a part to put together a quick schematic or pcb: Fritzing Tutorial

Oh and thanks to peter who did all the hard work in making the part.
Would also love feedback if I’ve made any errors.

Good catch! While I appreciate you trying to fix it your self, in this case it would have been better to tell me about the problem so I could (as I have) fix it and replace the original part. That avoids having a wrong part floating around which is undesirable. Part making unfortunately is complex and there are no easy solutions I know of. Everything I did here is covered in this tutorial set:

I think the video tutorials may be Old_grey’s set which are also good. That said, yes there are errors in your part. The first thing I did was run your part through which reports the following errors:

$ part.prefix0001_bec92ff966b310c2ae68bf71915454b9_1.fzp

**** Starting to process file Startup, no file yet

**** Starting to process file part.prefix0001_bec92ff966b310c2ae68bf71915454b9_1.fzp

**** Starting to process file svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

**** Starting to process file svg.breadboard.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_breadboard.svg.bak

**** Starting to process file svg.pcb.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_pcb.svg.bak


This is a through hole part as both copper0 and copper1 views are present.
If you wanted a smd part remove the copper0 definition from line 43

Modified 4: File
At line 4



doesn’t match input file



Modified 4: File
At line 4



doesn’t match input file



Modified 4: File
At line 4



doesn’t match input file



Warning 6: File
At line 2

ReferenceFile name


Doesn’t match fzp filename


Warning 35: File

Connector5 doesn’t exist when it must to stay in sequence

Error 69: File
At line 17

Found a drawing element before a layerId (or no layerId)

Error 18: File

Connector connector6terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector7terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector8terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector9terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector10terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector11terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector13terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector14terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector15terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector18terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector19terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector20terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector21terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector23terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

Error 18: File

Connector connector24terminal is in the fzp file but not the svg file. (typo?)

svg svg.schematic.prefix0001_ef82c863e4698acff49089e3f31adc41_1_schematic.svg.bak

many of them are harmless, but the lack of a layerId in schematic means the schematic will not export as an image. The lack of terminalIds in schematic causes this:

as well as the 0.05in offset from the grid (Fritzing decided to align on a connector without a terminalId so the pin aligns in the center of the line rather than the end.) Your part is on the right and my corrected part on the left here. Otherwise all looks fine. The label value should be A (indicating assembly) rather than ESP32 as well. We are slowly working on getting some standards together for parts but it is likely to be a while yet.



Yes, so far I’ve observed that the labels for batteries of some parts are wrong…