If anyone has this or has it in the works, please let me know.
As far as I can see from the Fritzing point of view this is identical to the current Uno part. Are there new connectors that I am not seeing? The only thing Fritzing cares about are physical connections, the wifi and the new IMU are invisible in Fritzing. At most it may need a change in label on breadboard which is pretty trivial.
I see it needs to have the second isc connector removed too, I will post a modified part in a bit.
Ok, took a lot longer than I expected and is somewhat ugly (there is a transform in silkscreen in pcb to make the path work), but this should do what you want. Even folks not interested in this part directly may want to download it and look over schematic. I re did schematic to match breadboard (i.e. schematic looks like the real board unlike the original Uno.) I intend on eventually replacing the all the Arduinos and the Raspberry PIs (the Zero is already done) with a similar schematic. This gives you a chance to complain if you don’t like it.
edit (Oct 2021) I just discovered this part is slightly wrong in that A4 and A5 are not SCL and SDA but rather independent ports. So I have replaced the .fzpz file with an updated one that separates A4/ A5 and SCL/SDA. If you have used the earlier version you probably want to upgrade because the bus in the original part will cause errors in pcb routing (it will route to A4 / A5 if they are closer than SCL/SDA which is incorrect!)
Arduino-Uno-WIFI-REV2.fzpz (28.6 KB)
thank you for your help
One thing that’s getting on my nerves right now is that on one side of the female headers on this Arduino Uno WiFi R2, the space between the two sets of sockets is just shy of what it needs to be to fit on a normal header in a bread board. do you know the reason for this?
If you mean the two header strips are separated by a hole and a half instead of a two holes, then that’s just how Arduino made them - their whole lineup is like that -. Yeah it’s annoying.
But…why??? OMG it’s SOOO irritating! If i knew there was a good reason, i would feel less annoyed by it. I’m curious if anyone knows.
I guess it stops children plugging their board in the wrong way on a shield. I think Arduino open source, so you can get the plans and get them made with pins where ever you want.