I have corrected the pcb layout for the Raspberry PI zero in core. That part is a no brainer as it is currently incorrect (not on .1 centers), but at the same time I found schematic to be correct but ugly in that it overlays power and ground pins, and is in a different order than the GPIO connector on the Zero (in fact the right hand pins are in the reverse order they appear on the connector as well as missing the power pins), so I created a new schematic that corrects the faults and adds pin numbers to the connections. The problem I see is if I submit this for addition to core (and do the right thing and do all the other PI models too, which I am willing to) it would break current sketches that used the current core parts. I expect this has come up before and there is an accepted solution, I just don’t know what it is or how to do it so that sketches with the previous schematic still work. Can someone enlighten me on what I need to do to get this accepted?
Well I suppose the answer to that question is no… There can be no two parts with the same Variant name… even if you create a new part and save it with the same Variant name, Fz with add a sequential number to the end of the Variant name. i.e If you saved it as Raspberry Pi Zero, I believe the new version would be Raspberry Pi Zero 1… Default Variant name is “variant 1”. But you can also give it with any variant name you want… like “Raspberry Pi Zero_Peter’s New and improve version”… just kidding… you could call it “Raspberry Pi Zero (Rev 01)” or something to identify it as the latest version or that it is your version. Don’t make the name to long or it won’t fit in the inspector block and you won’t be able to read the end of it. There is already a Raspberry Pi B(Rev 01) and a (Rev 02) in the RPi library. That would make it consistent… All the old variants will stay in the library, you will just be adding to it.
Thanks, I figured this must have come up before and there was a procedure that I just didn’t know. I’ll do updated versions of all the RPIs and submit them and see what happens .
btw, although they are almost identical, you have two RPi Zero’s (RPi Zero and RPi Zero-w). The w stands for wireless which has builtin WiFi. It also has a couple of minor variants on the pins…
Good to know, I think we only currently have the original (v 1.2) I’ll dig up info an the W and make one of those too. I didn’t know there was a pin change, I had assumed they were the same.
Not a pin change, just a couple of variants… don’t remember what they are… There is also a built-in PCB antenna and solder pads for an antenna button. The breadboard layout is also a little different as it has a WiFi chip. You could Google Zero and Zero-w, some where they compared the two.