Power Bank Style Battery Pack with 2 USB-A Out and 1 USB-C In/Out (Based off INIU BI-B61) [Update]

Power Bank Style Battery Pack with 2 USB-A Out and 1 USB-C In/Out (Based off INIU BI-B61) [Update]


3-USB-Power-Bank-Battery-Pack_932771f10e6ef4887e609f3b395bb498_14.fzpz (10.4 KB)









By: Gavin Kress
Version: 2
Date: 02/14/2025
Contact: me@gavinkress.org
Based off INIU BI-B61 22.5 W 5V 4.5A (USB-A)/3A (USB-C) 37Wh

Can you post the .fzpz file please?

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Your part appears to be corrupted:

Edit: I can solve the problem, but I can only get it done tmrw

Your .fzpz file is incorrectly formated, there is an extra directory in it. This is an unzipped copy of the .fzpz file


There is no .fzp file in the directory which is why the part can not be loaded. It is one directory down which is not supported by Fritzing.

moving the 3 file up one directory will fix the problem.


Peter, can you help me fix up the part? I’m busy this week

@gavinkress Although I only took a glance at the svg, it appears that you use Adobe Illustrator. I strongly encourage you to use Inkscape. When creating parts in the future, download the following:

The suggestion above will fix the problem. The .fzpz file has an extra directory in it that is blocking access to the .fzp file which is why the error occurs.


I’m aware of that, but his part’s schematic, PCB (need to suppress) needs to be fixed. SPICE data needs to be removed.

Ah! I hadn’t looked at the part itself. Yes I can clean it up.


The part appears to be too broken to fix. The svgs in the fzpz appear to be the wrong versions and the ones posted above are dimensioned in px which means their scale is wrong in Inkscape, Without knowing what the dimensions should be not much can be done here.


The svgs in the bottom directory of the .fzpz file appear to be older copies (their version numbers are much smaller than the references in the .fzp file) as well all the svgs are dimensioned in px, they need to be dimensioned in either in or mm to set their real world size. I can’t fix them up because in Inkscape (which is currently using 96DPI as its default) is very likely displaying the images too small and I don’t know what size they should be.


That’s true. @gavinkress can you please give us the dimensions of your part

OK, Gavin got back to me and here is the datasheet:

OK here is a fixed up version of your part. Breadboard has been resized to match the real life size of the part and the screen and labeling added

schematic has been replaced by one made with Randy’s Inkscape schematic extension. Typically Fritzing schematics don’t show internal circuitry just the external connections.

and pcb view has the part suppressed as it won’t connect to a pcb so only the headers appear in pcb view.

the new part

3-USB-Power-Bank-Battery-Pack.fzpz (6.0 KB)

Instructions for pretty much everything I did here are available in this parts making tutorial if you haven’t seen it.
