Part Request: ESP32-H2 SuperMini

Hi there guys, I need a part for this board:

Here’s the listing of the board on aliexpress: ESP32 C3 SuperMini Development Board ESP32-C3 WiFi Bluetooth Module For Arduino - AliExpress 502

On the specifications page there are alot of informations about it.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

The part available here should do what you want. A google search of the form “fritzing part ESP32 C3 SuperMini Development Board” which is the best way to find existing parts would have found it for you.


My version is the H2 which has a different CHIP the listing just sells all models but since the C3 is pin compatile from what I can see I will that instead, thanks.

The H2 SuperMini has 9 pins per side (at lease the one I have on my desk)
Did you find a H2 SuperMini with 9 pins per side ?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Nope. I would need a web site with physical dimensions and connector labels for your particular board to make one.


I could do that :slight_smile:
Give me a few minutes, I will come back with needed information.

Here is the image with the connectors labels.

The holes are on a 2.54mm grid EXCEPT the GPIO 22 and 25 (the “horizontal” pitch is OK but the vertical is offset by half a mm) :thinking:

Here are the general dimensions. I can confirm the dimensions with the one I have on my desk.

A web site where you can buy one of these would also be useful. That generally goes in the part so folks have a source to buy this particular part (especially important when there are different versions available as with this one.)


The back has two additional connectors.

Sorry for the multiple post. As a new user, I am not allowed to add more than 1 picture at a time.

Here is the Aliexpress page.

The next question is what is the distance between the two sets of pads (the red marks in this image?)


Is it a multiple of 0.1 in (such as 0.6in, i.e does a 6 position header align with the pads horizontally?) I’d expect it to to allow it to fit a breadboard but that isn’t working out with the dimensions from a scaled jpeg image. Adjusted for 0.6in between pads it doesn’t match up.

The jpeg is a bit wider at the stated 18mm width (which may be a scaling issue in the jpeg.)


Thank you Peter !

I tried to take a measurement but it is so small I’m not sure about that.

So I just inserted some pin headers in a breadboard and the board fits perfectly on the pins, without any resistance.

I can confirm it is 6/10 of an inch.

Thanks a lot for your efforts !

These two parts should do what you want. The tht version (for use with headers) has the battery connections in breadboard and schematic but not pcb (as the pins are not through hole.)

esp32-h2-supermini-tht.fzpz (23.2 KB)

esp32-h2-supermini-smd.fzpz (23.1 KB)


In bot cases you need to print out the pcb footprint and compare it to a real part to make sure the pads are all aligned correctly!


Thank you man, you are the goat !

I’m on a ski trip, I will use it Monday morning!!
Have a great day :slight_smile: