MPX5050DP (Blood Pressure Sensor)

Hi, may i know where can get component of MPX5050DP (Blood Pressure Sensor) in fritzing ? because i just get the another parts but not same with what i want it. I hope that problem can solve , thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

You would need to provide a datasheet with physical dimensions and pin definitions to make a part (there doesn’t appear to currently be a Fritzing part for this. If you make the post in the parts help catagory it has a template that specifies the required information.


here the datasheet

Now the question is which case do you want

assuming you want the dual port one there are two cases available (single port has a lot more choices.) Each case needs a new part so we need to know which one you want. Probably the label below the case is the easiest way to specify one.


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this one, I hope this will helps me for answer your question :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep, that is enough to make a part. I will do so.


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This part should do what you want.

mpx5050dp.fzpz (7.0 KB)


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Thank you, i appreciate it :+1:

Yes, thank you, Peter, very much. When I downloaded the above part, is comes in as a 2010, not a 5050. the 2010 claims 3-10v input and wheatstone output, the 5050 is 4.75 v - 5.25 v input and analog out. how to change/make using this
Same case = Figure 1. MPX5050DP - SOT1756-1 - Case 867C-05 in the above pdf.
If you could point to a tut or page where i can learn how to do this, that would be great! Old Mech Engr trying to get into the 21st century :o)

Looks like your data sheet is newer / different than the one on element14 for the same part this is the element14 one:

it has little documentation on what the pins do, just the labels. In your data sheet the last 3 pins are NC.

The incorrect labels won’t hurt anything although it is easy enough to fix (at least for me, possibly less so for you.) This part making tutorial will tell you how to do it, but it is a fairly complex process.
