Looking for ESP32-WROOM-32UE

Name of the part

Top view
This picture shows the part from above, so that is easy to see were connectors should go, and which diameter they have.

Foto or vector graphic, no links here please.

The official documentation of the part manufacture is linked here:

I did not read this
Breakout board, sub assembly, plug in module (A)
Antenna (AE)
Battery (BT)
Capacitor (C)
Diode (D)
Display (DS)
Fuse (F)
Hardware , mounting screws, etc. (H)
Jack, fixed part of a connector pair, header (J)
Relay (K)
Inductor, Coil, Ferrite bead (L)
Loudspeaker, Buzzer (LS)
Motor (M)
Microphone (MK)
Plug, moveable part of a connector pair (P)
Transistor (Q)
Resistor (R)
Thermistor (RT)
Varistor (RV)
Switch (S)
Transformer (T)
Integrated Circuit (IC)
Crystal, Oscillator (Y)
Zender diode (Z)
Other (please specifiy)

E.g. SOT23-5 , TO-220.
This usually does not apply to breakout boards.

A google search of the form “fritzng part ESP32-WROOM-32UE” turns up (among others) this post from 2021 which served for the person asking.


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Thank you very much for your help. I will look into it