ESP32 Wroom-32U

Hello I am new to fritzing. I need a part created. Prepared to pay. It is a 38 Pin ESP32-WROOM32U
developers module. I have attached a picture. Any help it would be greatly appreciated.


This isn’t quite the same board (it has mounting holes) but should be close enough for most purposes. You may need to check the width, these come in 3 widths 1.1in 1in and .9in I think this one is 1.1in.

download the ESP32-38PinWide-fixed.fzpz file from the post above and in Fritzing File->open->ESP32-38PinWide-fixed.fzpz will load it in to your mine parts bin ready for use.


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A sampling of those shows errors in the parts that will cause problems in some scenarios. The most common error is that the breadboard view svg is missing the layer ID, which means that exporting breadboard view to svg will not work. Actually it “works”, but the part graphics are missing.

Peter, thanks for your help. This seems correct for my needs.

@vanepp hi.
I can’t find ESP32 Wroom-32 with 30 pins, could you please help? I mean fritzing part. Thanks

It may be this one. If not you would need to provide a website that describes the actual board you have.


thank you very much! seems like this one is right.

Hi, may i know where can get component of Hibiscus sense ESP32-WROOM-32 in fritzing ? because i just get the another parts but not same with what i want it. I hope that problem can solve , thank you :slight_smile:

This part should do what you want.

Hibiscus-sense-ESP32-WROOM-32.fzpz (38.5 KB)


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Thank you for helping :+1: :+1: