LGT8F328P-LQFP32 Pro Mini style.fzpz (55.5 KB)
Unfortunately your part is fairly broken. It looks like you cloned a pro mini and didn’t modify it correctly. Breadboard should look like the image on the right (but does not.)
here I right clicked on the pin with the green arrow
which brings up its pin definition which works. But the pin to the left of it when similarly right clicked on does not bring up a description because the pin is not defined in the .fzp file and thus won’t connect.
All the pins in the part need to be defined in all three views and correctly defined in the .fzp file for the part to work correctly. This tutorial will give you instructions on how to fix these problems
I haven’t made a corrected version. If the poster can’t figure out how to correct his part I may do so, but I intend to wait and see if the original poster corrects his part with the help of the tutorial first.