Ldr sensor lm393

i can’t find ldr sensor lm393

Enter “LDR” in the parts search for the core library. One of the results is “Photocell (LDR)”. A generic LDR. Fill the part number in inspector if you want it to be an lm393 in your sketch.

Or you can do a google search of the form “fritzing part ldr lm393 module” which turns up this previous query and answer in the forums

which may do what you need.


Maybe I’m a bit late, but btw I also was looking for this exact module for Fritzing and have found it done by ShinghoiXu here: GitHub - ShinghoiXu/CK-07-A-generic-module-for-sensors-with-LM393-fritzing-parts: A Parts file for Fritzing: A generic module for sensors with LM393