Image disappears after creating it

It looks like parts editor (aside from being brain dead and not worth using) is objecting to the lack of a layerId on breadboard. In this part I made a number of changes: in the breadboard and schematic svgs, added a breadboard layerId and defined the connectors (which wasn’t done in the original.) I ran it through to both check for errors and remove px from the font sizes (which is likely what wsa screwing up schematic.) At first glance the image appears fine (I suspect it may have problems when scaled though, although I didn’t try it.) If you unzip this fzpz file you will get the fzp and the 3 svg files that make up this part to see what changes I made from your original svgs.

Sound Level Meter-fixed.fzpz (113.0 KB)

This tutorial set describes what I did to correct this part.


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