Hi @vanepp ,
we can obsolete the part if it is necessary. In this case, we do not have to reuse the svgs in other files, and maybe we can use Fritzing´s script: fritzing-parts/obsolete.py at develop · fritzing/fritzing-parts · GitHub It has some limitations (obsoletes all svgs and other issues), see discussion here, but it may not be an issue for this part.
Regarding the schematic symbol, I prefer the original one. Schematic symbols should be grouped by functionality rather than their position in the physical package. This makes them easier to understand and to route. See for example KiCad guidelines section S4.2.
Regarding stacking ground and power connections, I think we may not need to do it. If they are all visible, it is easier to understand that several of them exist and we avoid issues with Fritzing. It definitely should be easy to use for new users.