What is an opensource software best suited for drawing the components in SVG format and which is the link of a tutorial that I can learn in detail how to design components for Fritizing.
What is an opensource software best suited for drawing the components in SVG format and which is the link of a tutorial that I can learn in detail how to design components for Fritizing.
Inkscape is the open source svg tool of choice. I’d advise version 0.91 rather than the latest 0.92 as they changed the pixels per inch in 0.92 and that has caused me some grief in Fritzing sometimes (but not always) and parts creation is hard enough without tools screwing you over. These are the two latest tutorials I’m aware of (both in the forum here):
When you have problems (note I didn’t say if ) post here, preferably with the fzpz file or svg file of the part giving you grief and a number of us will help you out. We need more people making good parts so help to do so is available.
Oddly enough, learning to draw with a svg editor is the hardest part. If you have raster editing experience it’s useless for vector drawing, it’s that different.
My biggest difficulty is to draw the component, the scheme would not be problems, at least I do not think so.
Let’s see what I get.
I’m going to take a little time because I dedicate a few hours a month to this work.
It would be interesting for Fritizing to have in the component editor itself the possibility of drawing the basics such as transistors and ICs and modules in both the schematic and the PCB so we could already do a lot of the initial work on it.
This is the suggestion.
Yeah I know, and that is what other editors have because they only have 2 simple views, but that is the price you pay for having the highly visual breadboard view.
If they switched from vector to cad drawing, we could get the 3D view in one hit.
The 3D vision would also be a good resource, today all ECADs offer such a resource if I am not mistaken, but it is not so urgent, although very didactic.
From my point of view, what is needed is a fast mechanism to transform circuits into modules and thus their reuse in other projects.
I believe that such a resource does not demand a change in the paradigm of development of Fritizing.