There is a guy named hubschrauber who built a VNH2SP30 motor driver and uploaded it into the fritzing forum.
I tried to use that but seen somehow the PCB was not working. every pin is connected to a central node. But that should not be like that. here is the forum link TE466 Single Motor Shield Generic VNH2SP30 Host Board
Is there anyone who can fix this? I will be obliged
I just posted a corrected part in the original thread (to keep the corrected part in the same thread as the original for anyone else wanting one!) From a quick google search it looks like the boards aren’t available anymore though.
I only looked at the first page or so of hits and all the ones I saw said “no longer available”. Even then the part is worth fixing for folks that have them, it wasn’t that difficult, only some missing definitions in pcb (and I replaced schematic with one generated by Randy’s schematic generator.)