Arduino MKR ENV Shield

Hello all,
I am making a project schematic that requires the Arduino MKR ENV Shield. I did a bit of searching and couldn’t find it anywhere. I’m new to Fritzing, and I would make a part if I knew how. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me out :grinning:.

Welcome aboard. It doesn’t look too complex (I have done a number of other MKR boards) and eagle files are available. so I’ll have a look at making a part.


Can you also make me a liquid level sensor? Thanks so much. Sorry for the repeated requests.

Sure, that one is close to trivial, only three leads. It will probably be up first :slight_smile: .


Don’t mean to rush you, but when can I expect the parts?

Likely later today. I’m currently doing the level sensor and I don’t expect the MKR to take much longer because it is a minor mod of one of the other parts.


OK, thanks so much! :+1:

Here is the liquid level sensor:

LLC200D3SH-LLPK1.fzpz (4.7 KB)


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Thank you so much! :+1: :+1:. @vanepp you are the best!

And the MKR ENV shield:

MKR-ENV-shield.fzpz (14.4 KB)


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Sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much! I appreciate the help greatly. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not a problem, both were easy for me to do (less so for someone not familiar with making parts.) The last one was actually the easier of the two as it only involved removing connections for the CAN bus from the CAN bus shield I had already done for someone and changing breadboard a bit.


Hello @vanepp,

Many, many thanks for making the part for the MKR ENV shield/HAT for public use. I’ve just embarked on using it to document it for an Arduino project published elsewhere.

Quick question (with apologies on tagging an older thread): is there a step-by-step tutorial that I can follow to prepare similar parts? I have a need for several very simple parts but I don’t know where to start the process for building the parts. I’ve read a few articles on how to proceed but I could never end up with any usable part owing to my incompetence. I would like to have slightly more detailed instructions (in case things continue to go wrong for me! :laughing:).

Any tutorial or guidance would be sincerely appreciated by yours truly.

Kind regards.

Vanepp did a text guide, but I can never find it. But I’ve got a vid tutorial series.

EDIT - I found them

Thanks, @Old_Grey for the rapid response. Appreciate it. I will dig into the links shortly. Hopefully, I too can contribute towards the newer parts library (with some peer review, of course, prior to release).

Kind regards.