Will buying Fritzing let me download any newer versions?

Will buying Fritzing let me download any newer versions? Like will my account keep the download privileges?

Yes there is a download link in the receipt from Fritzing.org (not the paypal receipt) which bypasses the donate tab for (I believe) about 1 year allowing you to download updates. You need to keep the link in the receipt email though.


Thanks, i bought it.
Such a janky system tho

It successfully restarted development (by funding it) after more than 5 years of stagnation, so I count it as a win. The old way was causing the death of Fritzing, this has revived it. A win in my view despite all the complaints against it! To see all the noise enter pay wall in the forum search bar …




I hope it’s ok that I don’t start a new topic for this question, because it seems kind of related.

If I pay for the download, does it include versions for all OS, or do I have to pay twice in order to use the software on Linux and Windows?

It includes all versions. In addition (apparently you need to log in to the main site before donating so they have your email address) the receipt that fritzing.org sends you contains a web link that will get you to the download page for (I think) about 1 year to download new versions. I always download copies of the software and save them locally (as opposed to installing direct from the download image) as insurance since I can then reinstall Fritzing without regard to the Fritzing.org site. Hope this helps.


Thanks a lot for the helpful answer. :slight_smile:

Also, not all os versions work with Fritzing 1.0.4

Late, but yea. I installed it both macOS and windows and works with just one payment.