Where to find small buzzer in Fritzing?

Hello! I’ve just started using Fritzing and I can’t find one part that i need. I’m looking for these “small buzzers” (I cannot find its name, but I included below something that uses them).

Do you know how to find that part? Do I need to download some additional libraries or have I just overlooked it?

How small is small? If you type buzzer in to the parts search bar (the magnifying glass) and press enter several varieties of buzzer come up (from the standard one in core parts to 12mm buzzers elsewhere). As well if there is an fzz (sketch file) associated with the picture you have you can find the buzzer in there in the temp parts bin and export it (assuming it isn’t one of the core buffers). As well a google search for “frtizing part buzzer” may turn up something on the net (you are looking for an .fzpz file which is a Fritzing part).


I’m also interested. @BigRedChick, did you find the part?

Funny that everywhere I look for a fritzing schematic with a passive buzzer they seem to use a part similar to the one on the image you posted, but the part or circuit files are not available anywhere.

Sorry, I don’t know if I found the part. It’s been over 5 years so I don’t remember what I even was doing with that so I can’t really help you with that. I wish you good luck with your search though. If you find something please post it here to archive the solution

searching for “buzzer” using find in parts returns several options. That does include the breadboard friendly part shown in the OP. I was pretty sure it existed, so I did a wider search on my system, and found this sparkfun buzzer. I do not know why it is not in the sparkfun bin of core parts.

07950_sfe_piezo_buzzer_through_hole_mini_speaker.fzpz (6.3 KB)

I don’t think the repos get synced. I believe the Sparkfun bin got done in 2016 and hasn’t been updated since then and Sparkfun puts new parts in their repo but doesn’t update core parts.


This one is 0.3" across pins.

Screen Shot 2022-10-20 at 8.35.49 AM

Piezo Buzzer.fzpz (5.5 KB)