Where can I download Older Versions

Is there anywhere where you can download previous versions of Fritzing?

Reason for asking is that the latest release 0.9.10 has a nasty bug with ground seeds not properly integrating when performing Ground Fill.
I want to use an older version which might have this working.


The older versions are available on the bottom of the download page. However I think the ground seeds may have been broken for a long time, so that may not help, but it is probably worth a try.


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Version 0.9.3b seems to do the correct job with Ground Seeds and Ground fill.
My PCB is nice and simple, so I will use this version for now.


Interesting. That means the bugs got added in the later versions. Be aware that 0.9.3b has some nasty bugs around paths in gerber output that are corrected in later versions (that usually only applies in cases where you are loading a pcb shape though I think.) I’ve seen the ground fill bug reports but don’t use it and thus haven’t been keeping up.


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Thank you regarding the Gerber.
Version 0.9.3b is not an actual install version, so I can run 0.9.3b & 0.9.10 side by side.
I will use 0.9.3b to generate the correct PCB file with ground seeds and ground fill. Then save it. Load it in 0.9.10 to generate the Gerber files. :slight_smile:

It is a good bet to check the gerber output with a gerber viewer (I use gerbv from the Geda project) as gerber processing happens after pcb view is rendered and sometimes the gerber output doesn’t match pcb view (but is what the board will look like!)


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