What is this, please?

In the parts selection, what is this part, please? It’s a JST XH header, like on an Arduino Mega 2560. How do I find that in the parts selector?

Also, is there a visual guide to the pieces? I don’t know sku and part numbers, but I can identify stuff that I can see.

It is appears to be a three-d image of a generic female header. To get one in Fritzing drag it from core parts in to a sketch like this

then use Inspector (the lower right window) to set the pins from the default 2 to 3. You can also change it from female to male, change its pitch from the standard 0.1in to a variety of other pitches. Same applies to ICs. A generic IC dragged in to a sketch can have its number of pins and other parameters changed.


In the Core section. Cool, thanks!

There is an issue with any double row header. It appears correctly on the PCB view. However, I like to use stripboard so, I need the header to appear as a double row in the breadboard view. Can there be an alternate presentation for the breadboard view?

Not at present. Two single row headers or a custom part are the only alternatives at present. Like this (although you need to fix schematic and pcb manually)
