Waveshare ESP32-S3-Nano

Hello everyone,

I’m happy to share this component with you.
It may already exist elsewhere, but I couldn’t find it, so I created one.

Waveshare_ESP32-S3_Nano.fzpz (39.7 KB)

Not bad, but a few problems.

Breadboard looks fine

schematic however has a couple of issues.

the wires are connecting in the center of the pin (likely because there is no terminalId defined. Also the label field in the .fzp file should be set to"A" (for assembly) instead of ESP32-S3-Nano. If you are using Inkscape for svg editing using Randy’s Inkscape extension for Fritzing schematic is the preferred way to make the schematic. It creates a correct, matching the graphic standards schematic.Ah! Your terminal ids are defined as groups which won’t work which is why the wires are connecting in the center of the pin. FritzingCheckPart.py is reporting this error

Error 77: File
At line 241

terminalId connector0terminal can’t be a g as it won’t work.

Error 77: File
At line 243

terminalId connector1terminal can’t be a g as it won’t work.

Error 77: File
At line 245

terminalId connector2terminal can’t be a g as it won’t work.

looking at the svg, I am not sure how you did this but there is no drawing element (such as a rectangle) just a group definition which contains drawing attributes but no element definition which is why it is not working.

            <line fill="none" gorn="" id="connector0pin" stroke="#555555" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.72" x1="0.36" x2="7.21367"  y1="7.56996" y2="7.56996"/>
            <g fill="none" gorn="" height="0.72" id="connector0terminal" stroke-width="0" width="0.72" x="0.00501594"  y="7.22"/>

connector0pin is correct, it is a line that defines the pin. I suspect a rect definition (to define a rectangle for the terminalId like this (from a schematic that was created by Randy’s Inkscape extension)


note that the terminalId is not a group but rather a rectangle the is placed where the wire should connect on the pin. The label field is here in the fzp file and as noted should be A for assembly:


should be


As well if you are going to be making parts I guess we both need to post that we are making such a part. I had been working on a couple of previous requests, but would have gotten around to doing this one which would be a duplication of effort (and to be avoided!) I am more than happy to have someone else making parts but it is desirable to not duplicate effort! Hope this helps!


I see I misremembered, I was thinking this was the W6100-EVB-Pico that was requested which it is not. The problems are still there, but the request for notice (unless you choose to make a part that someone has requested!) can be ignored.


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