New here and very much new to the world of electronics. I’ve messed a little with a couple of sensors and LEDs and Servos back in the day on Duemilanove board.
Looking to make a 3D print cooker along the lines of this one here
Here is what I have so far as a component sketch
PrintCooker_05.fzz (92.7 KB)
Main Power Kill toggle
Temperature Setting 40-65C
PreHeat Timer
Exposure Timer
Turn Table Speed
Door open close detection
Start Stop button with status indication
Speaker to beep once the bake is done
LCD display to view settings and time left to bake
Main power
Mega 2560 Controller
Turn Table stepper motor
Temp Probe
Door Switch
Start Stop Button with RGB LED and Momentary Switch
LCD Screen
Using this as wiring info since the website points to something else
Rotary Encoders
2 rolls split up into 4 panels all wiered in parallel
Heating Element
Fan for heating convection
What I need help with at the moment is to look over the sketch make sure I have everything compatible and hooked up correctly (before I buy the components and fry something), as well as help me identify missing parts. I am not sure exactly how and when and what type of transistors to use so if someone could help me with that issue be awesome.
I know that my bread board can be arranged out differently I am doing it so it’s very clear for me (I am a very visual person)
My end goal is to actually get a PCB printed once I breadboard the project to see if it will work.
Thank you in advanced!