Using property names in part creation

I am coming to the conclusion that the best way forward here may be to go back to basics. By that I mean do a revision of the part file format document to make a specification document for parts (preferably one that is easy to automatically check.) and that is more complete than the present document. If possible, documenting all the properties that can be set and what they do (although that is likely to be time consuming.) From there, the check script needs to match the new document and once that is done, core parts needs to be converted to match the new document (which will be a lot of work.) I am somewhat concerned that there are no longer some of the dissenting voices from when the parts checking script was written a couple of years ago posting any longer. The discussion could occur here, on github in the fritzing-app issues or on the slack channel (although that is a much narrower audience and this probably wants to be as public as possible!) @KjellM is probably who should decide if this is a good idea, and if so, where the discussion should take place. At a minimum there should be a post here in the forums directing anyone interested to where the discussion is taking place, because we want as much input as possible assuming this goes ahead. As noted here:

What I consider to be a bug: an apparent hard coded svg in the code that substitutes for the schematic svg if editable pin labels is true exists. I had not run across this issue before, and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. The format of the hard coded svg is poor in my view as schematic pin lengths are .2 in long, rather than the .1 in long suggested in the template files and possibly the part format file document. Space in schematic is precious, in that if the pins are short more parts can fit in a given space and you can fit a larger schematic in (for instance) a 8.5 by 11in page. I would like to see that set as the standard for most parts. As well in my view it is desirable to set a common width for lines (probably the same as the size of a created wire so the connections match in size), but as noted in the past there were people that didn’t want the level of constraint. Thoughts?
