Translations uncredited

In reference of Traduzione in Italiano - #9
in Fritzing 1.0.1 past translations seems uncredited.

Ok, is not a priority, and I necessarily stopped work on Fritzing due to new pay model that prevent to see your own (free) work applied to something, but… :neutral_face:

Hello 5volts,

I am sorry for that, lets see if we can fix this.
Typically the git history is the source. Since there was no pull request, I referred your username there when creating a commit from your zip file:

All your posts seem to be anonymous, which is not uncommon. Are you referring to other peoples translations?

Hallo Kjell,

I don’t remember well the history, but I think that my translations are older the git repository… Fritzing was free-to-download and as usual for me I translated a little as my contribution/payment to the project. But some strings was already translated, so perhaps also other names are now uncredited.

About the last sentence, I don’t understand what you intend with “All your posts seem to be anonymous”…?

What is your name?

One thing that can go wrong here is, if you add a name to the target language (e.g. Italian) , but don’t add it to the source language (English). Then it can not propagate to the other target languages. Even worse, on the next update, the system might fall back to the previous translation.

To clarify this.

Of course translators are credited.
Translations are a mix of paid translations and submissions from the community and friends.
I probably have mixed up the user “5volts” with someone running a Fritzing related website, , but I think these are not the same persons.

Adding in translations from a zip file is quite some work, especially if it is outdated. This is because there will be conflicts with the existing, not only on the changed/addes translations, but all along the files, with all the existing translations. These conflicts must be resolved manually.

In hindsight, I think accepting the zipfile from 2018, more than one year later, was a mistake.
We now use Weblate for translations, which has integrated support for GPT, Google Translate and DeepL, so you often get quite good suggestions.