dose not found BT136, BT134, BT139 i didnot found any of them also dosenot have moc3021 altho have moc3031
I think you didn’t search for new parts on google or here…
Also, you can’t always find every unique part, by their part number/name…
You have to search on fritzing as triac, scr, optocoupler etc…
You can use MOC3021, and change the “Part #” as MOC3031, their pinout is same…
And, for Triac (BT136, BT134, BT139), there is a TO-92 available, but pinout is different,
Here, I made a TO-220 Triac , you can set “Part #” as your requirement…
113. Triac TO220.fzpz (28.8 KB)
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