Tarjeta S4A EDU, pieza en proceso solamente falta la imagen en PCB y en esquematico

OK, I have fixed up your part (that involved an almost complete rewrite however). There are still several issues though. First your original breadboard svg is scaled wrong (the connectors are not on .1in boundaries), in the end rather than trying to deal with it I grabbed an image of the board from https://www.gotronic.fr/pj2-34440-1407.pdf
and used that to place the pads. This means the pad placement is almost certainly inaccurate in pcb view. So as I assume you have one of these boards (which I don’t), if you could print out the pcb view at 1:1 scale and check it against the real board and supply the necessary changes to make pcb (and after that breadboard) match the real board that would be useful. As well some of the pins are in question. I assumed that the Analog pins are set up to take servos (although there is no lettering on the board that indicates that it seems the most likely solution) so the part is set up that way. If this isn’t correct then it needs to change. On the blue tooth connector the second row on the bottom has no indication of what the pins are. I assumed that it was identical to the blue tooth pins on the top of the board and made them the same. Again if this is incorrect it needs to change. Below is the corrected part configured as a new part (so it will load along side your original one), it has all three views configured what I think is correctly.

edit: I have discovered the two 4 pin connectors are not bluetooth, but rather the enable pins for the motor driver and the four associated data output pins that drive them (if the jumpers are installed) and thus this part was wrong. While fixing it I also changed schematic so that it matches breadboard (which will require any sketch that used the original part to be rerouted, although the pins are the same, just in different positions.) This is a corrected part:

edit2 (June 2021): Someone pointed out the A0 to A5 pins are backwards, so I have corrected the part so the pins are now correct. This is the new part.

Tarjeta-S4A-EDU-improved.fzpz (26.7 KB)

As before, I doubt the pads are in the correct place in pcb since it was made from a png file. If someone has a board and would check and supply the correct coordinates I will correct this yet again.

I assume you would like to know all the things I changed and why, so I kept copies of the svgs and notes as I changed the part and in a few days I will post it as a part making tutorial in the tutorials section and link that back to this topic.
