Tamaño de fuente (texto)

En la version 0.9.3 es posible cambiar el tamaño de la fuente (texto). Osea aumentar el tamaño de las letras, gracias.

Which text? For the Fritzing application itself, in menus and windows? In an existing part? In text added to sketch file? In a new part being created? All of those have different answers.

Fritzing version 0.9.3 is quite old. 0.9.4 is recent, 0.9.6 is current. The version will not change the answer to if and how to change text sizes.

For the Fritzing application itself, in menus and windows.

The Fritzing application does not have any run time configuration settings for the text size. You MAY be able to make adjustments depending on what the desktop for your operating system can do. Desktop themes related settings could interact with the Fritzing window. I remember options in the Windows OS display settings for that. I am currently using Fedora (linux), which is quite different in that area. The “large text” accessibility option only changes the Fritzing window title for me. Not the menus or other text. In some other applications, that does change a lot more. This could be a limitation from the way Fritzing is built (using Qt). You will need to test in your own environment.