Stepper motor control system + LCD status display


The functions realized are as follows.

  1. realizing forward and reverse rotation of the motor.

  2. realizing motor speed change within a certain range.

  3. controlling motor start, stop, forward and reverse rotation, acceleration and deceleration, modification of time and zeroing of speed setting through 2x4 keyboard, and displaying system operation status with LCD screen.

  4. Display the current status of motor operation, including (start, stop, forward rotation, reverse rotation, acceleration, deceleration, modification of hours, modification of minutes, etc.).

(5) LCD display Beijing time, adjustable hours and minutes (seconds can not be modified), can be added or subtracted.

(6) equipped with motor operation indicator, when the motor is running, the indicator lights up, when the motor stops, the indicator lights off, used to indicate whether the motor is running.

(7) equipped with reset button, can be manually reset when the operation is wrong.

Proteus hardware circuit schematic drawing


Source code and comments

#include "reg51.h" //header file
#include <string.h> //character manipulation
#define uchar unsigned char //macro definition
#define uint unsigned int
uchar time[] = "23:59:56";//time string
uchar state[] = " hello ";//state string
char code tab[2][4]={{'0','1','2','3'},
		     {'4','5','6','7'}}; // 8 key plants from 0 to 7
uint num=0;//judge whether to 1 second
uchar speed=100;//used to delay the speed control
bit time_flag=0; //modify the time flag bit, modify the hour or minute
bit turn_flag=0;//the speed direction flag bit
bit turn_stop=0;//Start/stop flag bit
uchar key;//Key value
sbit E=P2^2;//Enable E to send signal in the form of pulse
sbit RS=P2^1;//0: command 1: character
sbit RW=P2^0;//0: write 1: read
sbit led=P2^3;//motor running status light
void keyscan();//used in the interrupt keyboard scan
void key_gn();//key function
void moto();//motor driver
void delay(uint x)//delay
	uint i;
void LCD_1602_Cmd(uchar cmd)//lcd write instruction
	RS=0; //timing is RS, RW, E
	E=1; //one pulse, one enable signal
void LCD_1602_Data(uchar dat)//lcd write character
void LCD_1602_init()//lcd initialization
	LCD_1602_Cmd(0X38);//open display: 8-bit line, 5x7 display dot matrix	
	LCD_1602_Cmd(0X06);//add one to the pointer after each character is written, i.e., the cursor moves one to the right
	LCD_1602_Cmd(0X0c);//open display but not display cursor
	LCD_1602_Cmd(0X01);//clear the screen
void display(uint l,uchar *p)//;cdisplay string
	uint i;
void int0() interrupt 1 using 1 //t0 interrupt update display time, timer
   unsigned int shi;//hour
   unsigned int fen;//minutes
   unsigned int miao; //seconds
   num++;//num to 20 proves that a second has been reached
   TR0 = 0;//Stop timing
   TL0=0xB0; //assign initial value, 50ms delay
    if(num == 20)//reached one second
       shi = (time[0]-48)*10+time[1]-48;//difference between Askew code and number 48,0 Askew code is 48, take out the number of hours in the string
      fen = (time[3]-48)*10+time[4]-48;//take out the number of minutes
      miao = (time[6]-48)*10+time[7]-48;//take out the number of seconds
       num = 0;//return to 0
       miao++;//seconds + 1
       if(miao == 60)//whether it reaches one minute
	  miao = 0;//clear the number of seconds 0
	  fen = fen + 1;//fraction + 1
       if(fen >= 60)//whether to reach one minute
	  fen = 0;//fraction clear 0
	  shi = shi + 1;//hour + 1
       if(shi >= 24)//whether it reaches 24 hours
	  shi = 0;//hours clear 0
       time[0] = shi / 10 + 48;//update the tenth digit of the hour in the time string, +48 is the corresponding Asics code
       time[1] = shi % 10 + 48;//update the hour in the time string to the single digit
       time[3] = fen / 10 + 48;//update the tenth digit of the minute in the time string
       time[4] = fen % 10 + 48;//update the minutes in the time string
       time[6] = miao / 10 + 48;//update the tenths of the seconds in the time string
       time[7] = miao % 10 + 48;//update the time string to the second digit
    TR0 = 1;//continue timing
void INTERR(void) interrupt 0//Use external interrupt to determine if a key is pressed, no query, save system time
	keyscan();//judge which key is pressed
void start(void) interrupt 2//Use external interrupts to determine if a key is pressed, no need to query, saves system time
	  strcpy(state, "start");//strcpy string copy function, copy 'start' to state, easy to display
	  led = 0;//the light is on
	speed = 100;//prevent the operation when not started, start with the default rotation speed
void keyscan()
 	unsigned char hang,lie;//rows and columns
	delay(5);//delay for a while
	if((P3&0x03)! =0x03)//judge whether the key is pressed
		switch(P3&0x03)//judge which line's key pressed
				case 0x01:hang=1;break;//the second line pressed
				case 0x02:hang=0;break;//The first line is pressed
		P3=P3&0xfc;//P3's low two pull low to determine which column
		P2=P2|0xf0;//the high four bits of P2 pull high
		while((P3&0x03)! =0x00);//P3's low two bits pull low and continue
		switch(P2&0xf0)//read P2 high four bits
				case 0xe0:lie=3;break;//the fourth column
				case 0xd0:lie=2;break;//third column
				case 0xb0:lie=1;break;//second column
				case 0x70:lie=0;break;//first column
		P2=P2&0x0f;//pull down the high four bits of P2
		P3=P3|0x03;//pull up P3 low two
		while((P2&0xf0)! =0x00);//pull down the high four bits of P2 and then continue
		key=tab[hang][lie];//judge which key is pressed, assign the corresponding value to all variables key, to facilitate further operations
		key_gn();//key's function function
		key=0;//default value no key pressed
void key_gn() //key's function
   uint time_temp;//time modified to temporary value
   if(key!=0)//if a key is pressed
      state[0]="\0";//the state display information on the lcd is cleared, because the \0 escape character represents the end, no better way to find
      switch(key)//switch branch statement, execute the function of the key
	 case '0'://the first pressed
	    strcpy(state, "reset");//strcpy string copy function, copy 'reset' to state, easy to display
	    speed = 100;//default speed
	 case '1'://second key pressed, stop
	    strcpy(state, "stop");//same as
	    turn_stop = 0;//start flag position 0
	    led = 1;//light off
	 case '2'://Third key pressed, accelerate
	    strcpy(state, "speed up");
	    if((speed >= 50))//the maximum speed set
	       speed = speed - 20;//speed is the delay time and speed is inversely proportional
	 case '3'://the fourth key pressed, slow down
	    strcpy(state, "slow down");
	 if((speed <= 150))//the minimum speed set
	       speed = speed + 20;//speed is the delay time and speed is inversely proportional
	 case '4'://the fifth key pressed, reverse
	    turn_flag = ~turn_flag;//turn flag bit reversed
	 if(turn_flag == 1)//flag bit is 0 positive turn
	    strcpy(state, "left");
	 else//flag bit is 1 inverse
	    strcpy(state, "right");
	 case '5'://the sixth key is pressed, the time adjustment flag bit, modify the hour or minute
	 if(time_flag==0)//If the flag bit is 0, adjust the minutes
	    strcpy(state," minute ");
	 else//If the flag bit is 0, adjust the hour
	    strcpy(state," hour ");
	 case '6'://the seventh key pressed, time +
	    TR0 = 0; //stop timing
	    if(time_flag==0)//judge adjust hour or minute
	       strcpy(state, "minute+");//display state
	       time_temp = (time[3]-48)*10+time[4]-48;//read current minute value
	       time_temp = time_temp + 1;//minute + 1
	       if(time_temp >= 60)//If greater than 60, set 0
		  time_temp = 0;
	       time[3] = time_temp / 10 + 48;//modify string time
	       time[4] = time_temp % 10 + 48;
	       strcpy(state, "hour+");//display state, hour+
	       time_temp = (time[0]-48)*10 + time[1]-48;//read hour value
	       time_temp = time_temp + 1;//hour + 1
	       if(time_temp >= 24)//set 0 if hour is greater than 23
		  time_temp = 0;
	       time[0] = time_temp / 10 + 48;//modify string time
	       time[1] = time_temp % 10 + 48;
	    TR0 = 1;//continue timing
	case '7'://eighth key pressed, time -
	    TR0 = 0;//Stop timing
	    if(time_flag==0)//the same to determine whether it is hours or minutes
	       strcpy(state, "minute- ");//same reasoning, not in detail
	       time_temp = (time[3]-48)*10+time[4]-48;
	       time_temp = time_temp - 1;
	       if(time_temp > 100)
		  time_temp = 59;
	       time[3] = time_temp / 10 + 48;
	       time[4] = time_temp % 10 + 48;
	       strcpy(state, "hour-");
	       time_temp = (time[0]-48)*10 + time[1]-48;
	       time_temp = time_temp - 1;
	       if(time_temp > 100)
		  time_temp = 23;
	       time[0] = time_temp / 10 + 48;
	       time[1] = time_temp % 10 + 48;
	    TR0 = 1;
void moto()//stepper motor drive
   uchar code fan[] = {0x09,0x08,0x0c,0x04,0x06,0x02,0x03,0x01};//positive rotation
   uchar code zheng[] = {0x01,0x03,0x02,0x06,0x04,0x0c,0x08,0x09};//reverse
   uchar i;
   if(turn_stop==1)//If it is start state
      if (turn_flag==0)//judge forward and reverse
	    P0 = zheng[i];//positive rotation
	    delay(speed); //delay, adjust speed
	    P0 = fan[i];//reverse rotation
	       delay(speed);//delay, adjust speed
void main()//main function part
	TMOD=0x01;//Timer 0, mode 1
	TL0=0xB0; //assign initial value
	ET0=1;//allow t0 interrupt
	TR0=1;//Start timing
	IT0=1; //IT0=1 for lower edge trigger
	EX0=1; //Open external interrupt 0
		IT1=1; //IT0=1 for lower edge trigger
	EX1=1; //Open external interrupt 0
   EA=1;//open total interrupt
   LCD_1602_init();//lcd initialization
   led = 1;//default light off
   key = 0;//key is 0
   P2=P2&0x0f;//pull down P2 high four bits
      moto();//motor drive
      LCD_1602_Cmd(0X80); //first line display time 
     display(8,time);//display time
    LCD_1602_Cmd(0X80+0X40); //The second line shows the state
     display(9,state);//display state