Yep, you are looking for schematic subparts in the part file format document. I think you need to edit the fzp file I don’t think (but of course may also be wrong!) that parts editor will do it. There are a bunch of posts from 6 months or so ago about the problems doing this. Buses for instance won’t work with it. A number of parts in core use it which will give you an example to work from the adtl082 is an dual op amp that does this for instance. The 4001 is a digital IC with subparts and there a bunch more in the same series. I did it (not all that successfully due to no buses and performance problems with many subparts) for brad’s project board so I can provide advise if needed. Its not all that hard just as usual somewhat obscure and poorly documented.
I installed EagleCAD yesterday, and boy is FZ is far behind. I still like FZ more, because to me Eagle looks very messy and complicated. FZ just look cleaner.
I was going to redo the Eagle Arduino MEGA2560 SCH to FZ - yes I’m insane - and keep it sort of similar, but without those features it will be vastly different.
It’s already becoming a PITA because I’m practically making new part for everything, so maybe I should make the thing totally different.
In addition I’ve seen complaints that after Autocad bought eagle, development has slowed or stopped (not unexpected, they wanted the customer base not the product) and the licencing model for the non free version is now subscription so if your subscription lapses your drawings are no longer available. No breadboard view either.
there is an eagle to fritzing python script (I think the adafruit one is the latest), that may be a reasonable option although I’ve heard it is quite complex internally (don’t know about the external user interface, that may also be complex).
Doh! After getting half way through, and making lots of parts, I find out there is a shrunken down Mega2560 R3 Pro Mini cheaper than buying the separate parts.
In the end I scraped the separate elements because it just makes it confusing when one part is all over the place. They had the LM358 as one op-amp at the top, one at the bottom, and the power to it on the left side.
Holy c@rp! I’m sure the FZ writers knew what they envisioned, but finding more complicated stuff makes you feel like you know nothing.
There is a ATmega2560 chip that has 100 pins in BB and PCB, but in SCH only has 88-ish. The odd thing is that there is 100 pins in the FZ Edit Connector box that are all assigned, but only 88 in the svg. More delving of the svg and I find pins on pins, but with zero stroke. Somehow they assigned everything in code, because FZ certainly won’t let you do that in the graphical editor. They are common pins, but it seams a bit odd that if they aren’t in the SCH they don’t seam to be connected in other views, so you have to connect them there.
I had to watch some Eagle tutorials because I couldn’t get it to do what FZ does, and now I don’t have Eagle envy. Talk about doing things the long way - I was getting repetitive strain just watching all those extra button presses -. To move a group you click group button, box that parts, select move group button, and move it. Also their nets aren’t as good as FZ’s pointy box, because they use plain floating text - I thought they were just text labels, not actual nets -. It also has the “pay attention to junctions” like FZ, ie wires touching aren’t connected until you put a junction dot on it. Thankfully the views are connected, unlike KiCad. Like I thought, after seeing an Altium expert stumbling through KiCad, you can’t just jump from EDAs without watching tutorials because they all have idiocentrics. Next week I’m going to have to do EasyEDA, so it starts all over again.