Slide Switch 4 PIN

Hello. I’m begginer with this desing software. I need to make a project, and I don’t found this component in Fritzing. I need this slide switch with 4 pins(SS-13D01.). I don’t know to make this component, can anybody help me, please. Thank you.

Switch : []

There is plenty of information to make a part and I will do so in a while (maybe a longish while, because I see square holes and I may need to enlist @opera_night’s help I have yet to be able to make square holes work :slight_smile: ). The next problem is schematic. There are 4 physical pins spaced like this:

1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0

and from the shorting I expect that 2 pins short at each position, but the schematic seems to have 5 pins and I’m unclear which is which and how they relate. I think it may be 3 position, in position a (fully to the right) pin 5 shorts to pin 3, one position left seems to be off, with a connection to pin 2 which does nothing (and why do we have pin 2?) and one more left shorts pins 1 and 3. Does that match how the switch actually works? It seems unlikely because then pin 2 is useless and that doesn’t seem correct.


OK this part should do what you want. I used a hole with copper surround instead of the square (the hole will be a lot easier to get fabricated). Schematic is a copy of theirs I have no idea how it connects though. There is about 8 thou clearance on the pin holes if the data sheet is correct and about 1 thou under on the two mounting tabs but since they are much thinner I expect it should fit OK.

SS13D01.fzpz (7.1 KB)


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Thank you so much. One question, I found in this forum an layout for 8 pin socket for integrated components(4 with 4 for lm386)? I search and I don’t found.

I don’t see a post about the lm386, but there is a part in core parts. If you start fritzing and in the right hand top window (Parts) in the search window (the magnifying glass icon), type lm386 and press enter (a mouse click doesn’t work) the lm386 part will come up.


Regarding Square Holes (in the SS13D01):

Those holes are for mounting. (the part has Metal Tabs). Nearly all PCB’s receiving this type of feature use Round Holes. The ‘Rectangle’ in the layout is the Boundry of the Tab - the tab is not uniform shape.
Therefore, just grab the ‘Hole’ part and set the Ring Thickness = 0, and the Hole Diameter to 1.2mm.

Most all of the slide switches I use have some version of these tabs, they can be bent over to hold switch on the PCB to reduce the Force of Handling/sliding On/Off.
Sometimes I bend them such that they sit flat on top of the PCB (depends on the project).

Otherwise, a custom PCB with cutouts is needed…

Oh, you may not want this but, I posted my version of LM386 along with some images of Actual Amplifier (scroll down this page)

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