To find the version required perform:
$ uname -r
This will show the version of the kernel that is running your system. As you can see from the above, I am running the 4.8.0-8.2-liquorix kernel which is the 64 bit version(amd64).
Download the version of Fritzing you need. Most computer OS’s now a days have your downloads go into ~/Downloads but that is dependent on how your system is configured. It could end up on the desktop. You can set that up in your browser.
Now, mine goes into the ~/Download folder. (~ = /home) so, ~/Downloads = /home/Downloads.
You must also be aware that Linux is capital letter cognizant. Linux does not equal linux in the command line.
Next, you will be required to untar the downloaded file. So, if the file is in your /home//Downloads, you need to change to that folder.
$ cd Downloads
$ tar xvfj fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64.tar.bz2
This will place all of the Fritzing files into a folder called fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64. If you are using the 32 bit version, it wll be in a folder called fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.i386.
The screen will have numerous lines of text scroll past in a hurry!
Now, I would leave the above created directory where it is and just continue to proceed.
You now have to provide permission and execution duties to the install file.
Once again, change to the directory/folder of your recently created in the tar process.
$ cd fritzing-0.9.3b.linux.AMD64 or i386
Be ware of the capitalization!
Change the permission on the installing file.
$ chmod 775
No, you should be able to install the program on your computer. The above file is your friend!
$ ./
This will install the program and set things up for you. I’ve already have the program installed, so I’m not going to run this process. (no screen shot)
After this takes place, all you need to do is start the program.
$ Fritzing
Again, remember the capitalization! You will need to be in the proper directory each time you want to run the program.
(My computer is known as mx1 and the user as well.)
Or you can create a short cut and place it on your desktop or in the menu.
If you have any questions, ask away. I hope this helped.