Simulating a circuit with an ESP8266

Hey I’m new to Fritzing , how can i add the ESP8226 as an option in the " Code> Boards " list ? I have already linked the program with my ArduinoIDE ( in " Edit>preferences >Code View " ) and it ( my IDE ) already has the library for ESP8226 but i don’t know what are the next steps .

I have been reading a bunch of old posts with @vanepp answers saying that fritzing cant simulate code without a board. Still , since i hope they have already added this feature im asking here anyway.

Fritzing can’t simulate code at all. It can download the code using the Arduino IDE and run it on a physical board but that is all. There is no code simulation in Fritizing the simulator is spice based and doesn’t do code only things with spice modules (and then only if the Fritzing part has the spice added to it.)


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Well for them to add this new feature, it’ll likely take a couple of years to do so (as they are short of manpower. It’ll basically be building another fritzing from scratch…)