When I click on the magnifier symbol I cannot type in anything.
What I expected should have happened instead:
I expected that this happens what is written in the “Tips and Tricks”:
“Can’t find your part? Search for it by clicking the magnifier icon in the Parts Bin and type in some keywords”
My version of Fritzing and my operating system:
Version 0.9.3
Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64 Bit
Please also attach any files that help explaining this problem
Ok, I installed the new V0.9.3 on another PC and I had to add the MS api file that most people are missing - my other PC didn’t need it - and I rebooted, It looked like it froze, but FZ now accesses the internet a lot so you have to wait until things happen, and your firewall must give it clearance. After everything is installed it starts normally.
My search is working. Are you sure FZ isn’t uploading making it look like it’s not responding? Does the rest work?
Odd as I have a couple of machines running Win7 pro 64 and fritzing 0.9.3 and the search runs fine on both. As you note on start up it is greyed out, but clicking on the search arrow causes a brief red box in the main screen (a network update check perhaps?) and then the search bar becomes lit and works as expected. Perhaps something blocking the network access (assuming it is making one)?
I ment that I probably damaged something. Maybe when using tools like ccleaner or virus scanner.
I don’t know and don’t mind because it works with my new installed Windows 10.
Here is what Help says
"Can’t find your part? Search for it by clicking the magnifier icon in the Parts Bin and type in some keywords"
Oh Really ? As we can see help where you would think information might be found is itself is lacking any proper explanation of Where the Magnifier let alone the Parts Bin is,
The magnifier should be at the right top of the screen in the Parts Bin window, right below the word Parts. After you enter a search word(s) hit the enter key. It doesn’t work by clicking on the magnifier like other programs.
If the Parts Bin window is not open, click on Window in the main menu and the click Parts to open the Parts window.
I just tried this on my Win7 pro (32) laptop, and the first time it indeed hung Fritzing when I tried a search, so I cleared the Fritzing directories (as I had to kill Fritz with task manager) then (as the machine looked to be making a network access and I know there are parts that aren’t on there yet) I went to help and clicked check for updates and (after a long time as the eeepc is 10+ years old and quite slow) it did the parts updates and restarted Frtitzing. Now search works normally on that machine. So its possible there is a bad interaction between parts update and search. Another thing to try if this doesn’t work is start the debug console (I didn’t do that on the failure unfortunatly) in help->enable debugging log (this opens a window where the debug info will appear, mine says “loading bin search” when I click the hour glass). Hope this helps!
(edit: PS please tell us if this worked so we know for others …)