Schematic Window Background Color

How can I select the background color in the Schematic Window to be white? The following shows a simple circuit from this window:


The background color is a light gray.

When I try to select the background color, using the Schematic View Background Color Dialog Box to select the color white:


the box tells me that the current light gray color is represented by #ffffff.

When I select the Pick custom color button, the following appears:


When I hit the white color icon with the mouse, I still get the same HTML code of #ffffff.

Can the background be changed to white?

On Windows #ffffff is indeed white.

It would appear something is odd about your system. It looks more like #eeeeee is being rendered on your system. Do you have something like a dark theme set (that may affect the render values I think?)


Yes. You are correct. I am now able to set a white background. Maybe it was something that I ate for breakfast.

Thank you Peter.