Schematic to PCB?

Can you ignore the breadboard completely and draw a circuit in schematic view ?

I can place parts in schematic view but looking everywhere for a way (wire etc) to connect the parts.

I want to like this program because I LOVE the “feel” of it so keeping my fingers crossed on my question – the BB is sort of a pain (for me). – thanks

think I just answered my own question – looks like yes !

just had my view to small to see the blue kick in to drag a wire. happy me.

Ok another question and I may be good to go – when you autoroute in pcb view, do you do a “select all” first?

No – me.

Having a forum with myself ! Liking this Fritzing.

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Well, next time you are having a conversation with yourself…please address yourself…

Forget auto-route… it is not worth messing with…