SCART (PERITEL) connector footprint request

Hi, anyone can help me with the SCART (PERITEL) connector, bent 90 degrees pinout , footprint? Many thanks in advance

If we knew what a SCART (PERITEL) connector was perhaps. A datasheet for what you want would be a good start (that is why there is a template in this topic!) The datasheet needs to provide physical connections and the dimensions (and if applicable how many pins you want if there are various sizes.)


Yes sorry, I apologize, the scart socket datasheet can be found here:


Here is a part but it doesn’t currently work correctly. @KjellM could you have a look at the part and tell me what I am doing wrong please? The intent is to have two rectangular slots and the pcb svg (if loaded as a file in pcb view) indeed cuts those two slots, but when loaded in the part the slots are not cut. I expect I am missing some part of the configuration but I can’t see what. Here is the part:

scart-socket.fzpz (5.2 KB)

with the part loaded the slots show in pcb view

and if I load the pcb svg in to the outline, it appears to work

and indeed it shows up in the contour file so it looks like the path is correct.

but with the part loaded not so much, it shows in silkscreen but not in the contour file

silkscreen suppressed here so we can see no slots or outline in the contour file.

no slots and no outline and I don’t know why.


Hello Peter, those two slots are not necessary, thank you very much!

It looks like the two tabs won’t fit if the slots aren’t there from the pictures (and the slots are specified in the recommended footprint and should be possible in Fritzing now.) If it works for you as is, that should be fine, but be sure to check the pcb footprint against a real part (because I don’t have one) to make sure the data sheet is correct. The slots have a small error (I think they are supposed to line up with the center line of the pins but that isn’t what the data sheet says, so other things may be wrong as well.)


Unfortunately slots in parts is more limited than I realized. I did finally manage to get the part to produce slots, but it isn’t particularly useful as it creates its own pcb so you can only have one of them on a board. As long as the slots aren’t a problem the posted part should work. I can replace the slots with holes which would clear the tabs but they won’t latch to anything very likely as the hole would need to be too large.
