hi there could someone please make me a .fzz file of the RYLR896 by reyax please all the dimensions and such are here: http://reyax.com.cn/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/RYLR896_EN.pdf
need for a university project
This site can’t be reached The webpage at http://reyax.com.cn/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/RYLR896_EN.pdf might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Try another link maybe
try this
This part works but I would like to add a connector in the top left to put an antenna connection. The part has a spot to put a IPEX/IPX U.FL SMD connector for an external antenna. I tried to figure out how to put the connection in the part but I have failed miserably so far. Could you help me? If you could tell me how to put the connector in the fritzing part I would be most appreciative. Or if you dont want to and would modify it I would welcome that also.
Yep, looks like this
The Fritzing part doesn’t have either the antenna or a connector, but typically it won’t because the antenna isn’t particularly interesting in Fritzing usually. You likely don’t need a connector for the antenna because it likely won’t connect to anything in schematic or pcb. I expect you would like to show the sma connector in breadboard (although it will be under the board in real life) you can do so by copying an sma connector image in to the breadboard svg like this:
to do that you need to open the breadboard svg in a svg editor (I used Inskcape here) and copy/paste the breadboard image of a sma connector (I happened to have on around) in to the svg. This particular sma has connectors, but since they are not in the .fzp file they will be ignored. Is this what you are looking for or are you looking for something something different? If this svg will do you then this is the above svg (I removed the extra connectors on the SMA here.)
right click on the image and select save image as will get you the breadboard svg file, you can then load that svg in to the part using the Parts editor to replace the breadboard svg with this one.
That will work. I am using fritzing more to document the build other than to create a PCB.