Restoring Fritzing Files

Hello All -

I goofed and accidentally moved instead of copied a few SVG files from Fritzing’s files - and I cannot figure out how to restore just those files, and where they go (New Part Editor mistake).

So, I would like to reload them. I could reload all of Fritzing, but I don’t want to wipe out all my projects and “My Part” data.

Is this possible? Does a new installation save my stuff? I am afraid if I uninstall it first - that it WILL delete all my stuff (parts, projects).

Thanks for your help.


Assuming you have the svg files somewhere (just not the right somewhere :slight_smile: ) the easy option is likely parts editor and just import the svg from its current location in to the part for each view in turn, then save the part and it will put the svgs in the correct spot. If you have moved the .fzp file that likely won’t work though. It should also be possible to copy the .fzp file and the 4 svg files in to the underlying directories (but somewhat more dangerous, keep a copy of the original directory somewhere so you can reload it on error!) The files are in (on Windows)

c:\Users\username\My Documents\Fritzing\parts in several subdirectories (I don’t have Fritzing on this machine to check them though.) Under that directory you should find subdirectories for the .fzp (either “part” or “user” from memory which may be wrong :slight_smile: ) files and the 4 svg directories (breadboard, icon, schematic\ and pcb\ with the associated svg files in them You need the .fzp file for the part and the 4 svg files in the correct directories to make the part load (icon may sometimes not be present, instead reusing breadboard). Looking at the directory structure with explorer (or an ls -lR if you are on one of the unixes where the directory is ~/Documents/Fritzing/parts). The svg files (if that is all that got moved) need to be copied in to the associated svg directory and then your parts should load again. If this screws up, you can shut Fritzing down and copy the original saved directory back in and on restart Fritzing will start using the original directory again.

Just reinstalling Fritzing won’t affect your mine parts bin. To do that you need to delete the above user directories (which is sometimes necessary if they get corrupted.) That allows code upgrades without affecting your custom parts but does cause confusion when a reinstall doesn’t fix a parts bin problem :slight_smile: . For future reference, I tend to right click on a part in the mine parts bin and click export part which writes the part as a .fzpz file in the file system (preferably outside of Fritzing). Then if I need to clear the user directories I can reload the mine parts bin from the backup .fzpz files.


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@vanepp supplied information for user part files. If it was svg files from the core parts library, the process is similar, but the paths will be different. This is most likely for user parts, so I’ll just add the folder structure here

  • Fritzing
    • parts
      • contrib
      • user
      • svg
        • contrib
          • breadboard
          • icon
          • pcb
          • schematic
        • user
          • breadboard
          • icon
          • pcb
          • schematic

You probably do not care about the contents of the contrib folders. The svg files belong in the folders that match the Fritzing view, inside the svg/user folder (assuming these are user parts). The fzp files belong in the first user folder, that does not have any folders inside of it.

The above structure is for Linux systems. On widows, the parts folder might not exists. I seem to remember seeing that the user and svg folders are directly in the Fritzing folder (which is in My Documents).

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I hadn’t considered it may be a core part. If it is, then reinstalling the Fritzing app will reload the latest core parts version and correct the problem. As well if it is a mine part and you create a new one with parts editor you may need to delete the old fzp file in \user as the Fritzing loader will try and load the associated svg files (which are now elsewhere) and complain.


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And that reload does NOT touch any of your projects or MINE bin (user) part files. Even a full uninstall of Fritzing will not touch either the project or user parts files.

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Correct, but it will reinstall core parts if that is what he has corrupted without affecting any of his mine parts bin. Depends which set of directories the svgs were removed from. As I said I hadn’t considered it may be core parts,which I think may be possible in parts editor!


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Thanks for your guidance - much appreciated. :grinning: